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We understand it is a real world that people exist, and products can serve as interface between people and the outside world. And the brand can be considered as the symbol demonstrating the existence of the product in the world. We [translate] the meaning of product’s existing in the world into the implied situation of people himself/herself. Let the product reveal the very self.

We [translate] the game rule of real business world into the right positioning of product compatible with its true nature, as well as a big picture of its business model, financial model, origination structure and market environment. This will make the birth and evolvement of product guaranteed in both the near and long term.

We define all [translated] language systems as design, it is creation, process and result. Our design work is all based on the needs of the intended user and comes down to making things better by balancing functionality and aesthetics. Design is really about improving how things work and to create positive, permanent change.


Brand Strategy
Research and insights
Brand architecture
Naming and nomenclature systems
Communication strategy
Content strategy
Design strategy
Digital strategy
Social media strategy

Brand Design
Visual identity
Verbal identity
Sound identity
Image language
Illustration language
UX/UI design
Motion design

Brand Communication
Art direction
Brand story
Campaign concepts
Editorial design
Social media

Brand Experience
Digital product design
Service design

[A] for AL P H  A

Alpha is the risk premium that exceeds expected market return. We understand [brand] can also serve as a risk premium that help the product outrun its peers. In order to create real brand value, we muster all powerful sensible tools as well as the most original ideas, and look into the value chain from production to sales in every detail, with the ultimate goal of discovering the value point that echo with customers the most – that is the α we talk about.

[P] for P OW   ER

We partner with customers, and respect them as individuals with independent opinion, decision-making power, along with empathetic emotions and spiritual pursuits.  More so we partner with companies, and help them understand the world not only as a business competitive environment, but also a reflection of current trends including cultural impact, music and movies, historical events, sub-culture communities, religious heritage and folklores, reginal habits, childhood and social movements. We [brand] the products in a way that bridge the constant communication between customers and companies in the altogether human existence.

[T] for T E A M

We try to design the [mind] by integrating all kinds of algorithms that deriving from the game rule of business world. From past experiences, we witness the elevation of cognition by better methodology can save priceless time and trial-and-error cost. Therefore, with greatest enthusiasm and ambition, we regard our term and the long-term companion with our clients. We hope to work closely together and seek the best way to do things and the deeper reasons lying under. Also, we constantly invite the most insightful professionals to work with us and offer a full spectrum of value-adding services including marketing strategy, user growth, financial projection, operation re-engineering, and capital planning, in an attempt to pursuing the best scenarios ensuring business success of our clients.

Address. 1901 Cangsong Building, Tairan 6th Rd. Futian, Shenzhen, China. 深圳市福田区泰然六路苍松大厦1901
+86 17620462876


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